The Liturgy & Sacred Music

The Liturgy

The Mass is the most important thing that we do as Catholics.  It is, as the Catechism teaches, ‘the source and summit of Christian life’ (CCC 1324).

The Mass is also the most important responsibility of the priest.  What happens in the Sacred Liturgy – including the music, the serving, the reading, everything associated with the liturgy – is the one thing that the priest is not allowed to delegate to anyone else – although good collaboration is an important part of that responsibility. Ultimately, however, the buck stops here!

Sacred Music

The musicians at Our Lady of the Annunciation have a four fold responsibility:
1.To give glory to God and help the people of God to grow in holiness.
2. To implement, in a faithful and pastorally appropriate fashion, the teaching of the Second Vatican Council on music in the liturgy (Sacrosanctum Concilium).
3. With the assistance of the Diocese of East Anglia Office of Sacred Music, to make OLA a model parish for the use of music in the liturgy.
4. To be a supportive first venue, or ‘nursery’ for young organists, and so foster the next generation of church organists.

The composition of the Music team at OLAP is:
Responsible for the Sacred Liturgy: Fr Andrew
Advisor on the Sacred Liturgy: Daniel Justin, Diocese of East Anglia Office of Sacred Music
Organist: Rob Thornton
Assisting organist: David delaPlace
Organ scholar: Adriel Ho Fung
Cantor: Daniel Wright